Saturday, December 6, 2014

December Presidency Message

Dear Sisters,

As we come to the end of another year we commend you on all the progress made over the year 2014.  We have seen many sisters embrace the gospel by entering it through the waters of baptism; others have taken their endowments making further covenants with God in the temple of the Lord; others have renewed their worthiness to obtain the blessings of the temple. We as a Relief Society Presidency rejoice with you in the steps we have seen each of you take to increase your personal development over this year.

We know we all face many challenges each unique to our individual needs for our own personal growth.  We have looked at the challenges from the women in the scriptures over the year and have found they had similar challenges; we have found strength in how they dealt with their challenges. We have so enjoyed the knowledge we have learned from these examples that we want to continue to examine other examples from women in the scriptures and also from the early leaders in the restored gospel. I feel we will benefit greatly from the further study of these great women.

At this time of the year as we reflect on the birth of the Savior and think of Him and the mission He was given, to make possible the redemption of all mankind, let us take time to rejoice in Him by being more obedient to His teachings. As Eve said in Moses 5:11: Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient. As we continue to work through our trials may we keep in sight that anything is possible if we will lean upon the Rock, which is Jesus Christ our Lord.


All our Love,

Your Relief Society Presidency

Linda Rogers, 2nd Counselor

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November Presidency Message

Dear Sisters

  It is hard to believe that it is already November and that the time is going by so quickly. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching us, a time for reflections on this past year and a time to be grateful for everything in our lives, including trials and challenges that come to each of us as we continue on our life’s journey. As we try to deal with the struggles we face I challenge you to ponder the following questions as you look for answers to what you may be facing. Are everyday challenges such as times constraints, demands from work or home or feelings of inadequacy or fear holding you back from developing a relationship with Christ? By partaking of the sacrament we covenant that we are willing to take upon us the name of His Son and always remember Him especially in our daily walk and conversation. Think of some situations you encountered this past week. Were your actions consistent with the covenant you made? Do you have a written testimony of Jesus Christ and the tender mercies He attends you with that you may read in times of great stress? Next never underestimate the purpose of a trial. What are some things that have happened in your life from enduring one of life’s struggles? And finally, have we learned to recognize the voice of our Savior in our own lives. How and when has the Good Shepherd’s voice come to you?
    I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve in this capacity.  I have learned a lot and I love and respect all of you and appreciate all that you do on a daily basis to help each other, and to love each other.
    May we reflect on our lives and be grateful for the relationship we have with our Savior. If we don't have a relationship with Him that we're satisfied with, let's start today to change that.             

Love, Lorraine Anderson
Relief Society President              

Monday, October 6, 2014

October Presidency Message

Dear Sisters,

The kids are back in school and fall is in the air!  I love this time of the year, when the air is cooler and the nights get crisper.


We just had wonderful talks given at the General Women’s Conference.  So many sweet messages given to us by such inspired women.  President Uchtdorf said “Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us, but it is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us.”  Such a great message of our Heavenly Father’s love for each of us. I especially loved the picture of the umbrellas.  I will always think of that picture when it rains.  It will be a reminder of his message of always making sure that we are open to the blessings our Heavenly Father wants to give us. I loved the way he made me feel uplifted, inspired and motivated.  I hope that all of us women heard his words and felt the love that I felt.  That each of us are unique and different, but the love our Savior has for us is the same.  I loved Linda K. Burton’s talk about preparing our homes.  “As we prepare our homes to be places where the Spirit is welcome, we will be prepared to feel more at home when we enter the house of the Lord.”  Sisters, lets all work together to prepare ourselves and our homes so we will be better prepared to meet the Savior.


I am grateful for these inspired messages given to us by those who are called upon by our Heavenly Father.  I know what they say are true, and if we ponder and reflect on what we have heard, we will be able to implement these into our lives and become closer to him. 


We love you and pray for you often.

Janet Sims

Monday, September 1, 2014

September Presidency Message

Dear Sisters,

It's that time of year

when our children

young and older return to school!

What is important to note is that those of us not returning to school need to be on a constant quest for "Knowledge".   What is your “plan B”? I know for myself that I have an unquenchable desire to study and learn. Knowledge both spiritual and secular elevates us, but its acquisition requires effort on our part in study and faith. Study of things sacred enables us to learn God’s will and faith enables us to understand God’s will. In D&C 88:118 it reads, "And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one and other words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." Another scripture in D&C 96:36 says, "The glory of God is intelligence.”...A wise woman never stops learning, even if you think you will never work outside of the house, life has a way of throwing us an unexpected curve ball. Unforeseen unemployment, divorce, illness and death to name a just a few reasons to have your mitt on to catch that curve ball! Again, I ask you what is your “plan B”? Finally, we have the Lord's promise that as we study and learn and teach one and another, He will enrich our knowledge and wisdom by the gift of the Holy Ghost.

I see so many families struggling today that I felt impressed to ask you all how will you live if something happens in your family? Do you have the knowledge and the training to take over if you need to? I will be forever grateful that I had the skill and a “plan B” to take over when I needed to. Continue learning: you will be blessed in many ways.

With Love,
Lorraine Anderson
Relief Society President

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August Presidency Message

There are three women in the scriptures that I will focus on in my August lesson:  Abish from the Book of Mormon, Anna from the New Testament and Rebekah from the Old Testament.  These three all had several things in common:  They were valiant women in the right places at the right time.  They lived by revelation and they worked to build the kingdom.  These examples of righteousness are all things we can emulate as we work to build the kingdom of God on the earth today.

~Sister Dumas

RS Asst Sec